Launching koreaboo, on February 8, 2023, a user on Twitter shared that he found a photo of VICTON's Byungchan posing in a photobooth with his middle finger on his friends' social media. The findings quickly became a hot topic of conversation. The gesture in the photo of Byungchan and his friends is actually a fairly common gesture, especially for young people.

But the negative connotation that accompanies it still lingers because in most countries this gesture is still considered offensive and impolite. Yesterday, a post on an online community even called Byungchan committing a "self-kill" because a photo with his middle finger pose spread on the internet. Despite that, many netizens sided with Byungchan and defended him.

They admit that the pose with this gesture can indeed be viewed negatively, but the pose is a trivial thing that is not commensurate with other bigger celebrity scandals so it shouldn't be an issue. They also shared the following comments. "Now it's very difficult to live as a male idol. Seeing how trivial things like this are posted, male idols also get the same hatred as female idols," said one netizen. 

"Don't write posts like this. He doesn't curse fans and just poses with his fingers in photos leaked from his friends. This is not an impressive self-kill," wrote another netizen."It's true that he was careless with his middle finger pose, but this is nothing compared to a scandal about a bad personality or crime. To be honest, it's very strange to call it 'self-kill'. I just hope he doesn't do this again," defended another netizen.

Meanwhile, apart from defending Byungchan, other netizens also blamed this incident on their friends because they did not pay attention to the fact that Byungchan is an idol who has to maintain his image very carefully."You said his friends uploaded the photo? That really crossed the line. They should have been careful as his friends, but they gave people ammunition (to criticize him)," wrote one netizen.

"Byungchan, you have to stop being friends with them. The middle finger is cute, but leaking the picture is not. This makes me wonder if they are really friends," another netizen advised. So far, neither Byungchan nor his company has made a statement about the photo. What do you think about Byungchan's problem? Write your comments below, OK!

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