16 years after the first series, this year the drama Kurosagi is getting its latest remake. The drama, which is based on a manga with the same title and aired by TBS, tells the story of a young man named Koshiro Kurosaki (played by Sho Hirano). He lives in a harmonious and happy family. However, Koshiro's life turned sour when a tragic event befell his family.

When Koshiro was 15 years old and undergoing his school days, his father became the victim of a fraud. His desperate father, feeling that he had lost everything, then tried to take the lives of all family members, including his own. Unfortunately, no one survived the incident, except for Koshiro. That painful past finally gave rise to revenge in Koshiro's heart. 

He is also determined to find a con artist who has deceived his father and made him lose his entire family. Koshiro only remembered that the person who tricked his father was named Mikimoto, because his father had introduced him to this person. Koshiro takes a dangerous way to find the person he thinks is the cause of the destruction of his family. 

He studied under a man named Toshio Katsuragi (played by Tomokazu Miura ) in order to become a skilled con artist to get into the underworld where con artists carry out their evil practices. Under the guise of an ordinary young man who lives alone, owns a cat and runs a boarding house, Koshiro deceives the perpetrators of the fraud, taking their things and returning them to the victims. 

Every time he acts, Koshiro always changes his name and identity. In his revenge mission, Koshiro meets a girl who is a law student. The girl named Tsurara Yoshikawa (played by Yuina Kuroshima ) dreams of becoming a prosecutor and has a high sense of justice.

Tsurara's meeting with Koshiro brings the girl to a surprising fact about Koshiro's real identity. He knew that the young man was actually a fraud! Will Koshiro still be able to complete his revenge after his secret is exposed? Watch the continuation in the drama Kurosagi . Enjoy watching!

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