Another K-Pop idol has recently been confirmed positive for Covid-19 . This time, it was Jaehee from the girl group Weeekly who gave this bad news. Through the group's fan cafe , IST Entertainment as Weeekly's agency announced that Jaehee Weeekly was re-infected with the Corona virus on January 2, 2023.

" Hello. This is IST Entertainment. We announce that Weeekly member Lee Jaehee tested positive for Covid-19 again,"  the agency said as quoted by Soompi on Tuesday January 3, 2022. The agency revealed that previously Jaehee had experienced flu symptoms last weekend. When tested apparently he was positive for Covid-19. 

"Last weekend, Lee Jaehee experienced flu symptoms and immediately went to the hospital to get treatment. After that, he tested positive for Covid-19,"  he said. After learning the news, the other Weeekly members immediately carried out an examination and IST Entertainment confirmed that the other personnel were negative for Covid-19. 

"Not including Lee Jaehee, (Weeekly member) Lee Soojin, Monday, Park Soeun, Jihan, and Zoa received negative test results,"  said IST Entertainment. Now, Jaehee Weeekly himself is doing independent isolation. All agendas have been officially postponed. Including the season greeting fan signing event which is planned to be held on January 8, 2023. 

The agency hopes fans can understand this. "As a result, the season greeting fan signing scheduled for (Sunday,) January 8, 2023 has been postponed and the rescheduled event will be announced at a later date. We ask for fans' understanding,"  the agency added. 

For IST Entertainment, the artist's health is the main thing. For this reason, the agency will try to make Jaehee Weeekly recover faster. "We apologize for causing concern to many people and we will do our best to support our artist's health and speedy recovery. Thank you,"  he said.

As additional information, Jaehee Weeekly himself previously tested positive for Covid-19 at the end of January 2022. He was confirmed positive after experiencing symptoms of not feeling well. Let's pray that Jaehee Weeekly recovers soon and can resume activities with the other group members!

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