EDAM Entertainment, as the agency that oversees IU finally issued a new statement regarding the development of the plagiarism case that dragged the name of their artist. Quoting from Koreaboo, on Friday May 12, 2023, EDAM Entertainment explained in more detail the plagiarism case that dragged IU's name. The following is their official statement.

"Hello, this is EDAM Entertainment. First of all, we want to apologize to fans for worrying them. We are continuing to monitor and investigate allegations of plagiarism, groundless rumors that claim IU is a spy, to comments suggestive of sexual harassment," said EDAM Entertainment. 

They continued, "So when someone suddenly reported IU to the police for plagiarism, we were really shocked." "On May 10, 2023, after reports of lawsuits circulated, we hired lawyers who are experts in the field of copyright to confirm these lawsuits," he added. 

They added, "According to the investigation we conducted and reports from the media, the prosecution did not even target the producers of the song which he said was plagiarized. Instead, they only sued IU." "The prosecutor, who is not familiar with copyright law, only sued IU as a singer, even when many producers said that no plagiarism had actually occurred. 

Observing this, we concluded that the prosecutor only wanted to disgrace IU's name," he added. EDAM Entertainment side confirmed that they trust and await the decision of the investigators and the authorities in determining the outcome of the case. 

They also asked the prosecutor to take full responsibility under the law according to the results of the investigation later. "We have been in constant communication with the producers since the beginning of this case. We will once again respond to all allegations of baseless lawsuits with strict legal action," explained EDAM Entertainment. 

The agency closed their statement by promising to work even harder to repay fans' support and trust in them and their artists with even better works or music. Previously, a disgruntled netizen reported to the police that IU had plagiarized several of his songs. Since then, the producers of the alleged plagiarism songs have stepped forward to deny the allegations and give their support to IU.

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