Two former Wanna One members, Park Jihoon and Bae Jinyoung were allegedly caught at a club. The video that captured the moment was shared to the X platform on Monday November 18, 2024. In the video, Jihoon and Jinyoung are allegedly seen dancing with several women around them. 

The alleged Jinyoung figure is seen wearing a hat and happens to have his back to the camera of the recorder. Meanwhile, the alleged Jihoon figure is clearly seen wearing a white hoodie. While he was busy dancing, Jihoon allegedly seemed to realize that he was being recorded. 

He hurriedly pulled up his hoodie and put on a mask to cover his face. According to the uploader's confession, they found the video on the Instagram page of one of their acquaintances. " My acquaintance uploaded it on their Story, claiming to have seen Wanna One's Park Jihoon. 

They said Bae Jinyoung was there too ," the caption on the video upload read. It's no wonder that the video immediately became a hot topic of conversation among netizens on social media. Although the post sparked a backlash, garnering over 200,000 views, many were amused to learn that Wanna One's OTP was still going strong. 

" You said Wink-Deep is forever, or something? " joked a netizen. Interestingly, another netizen confessed that he often sees Jihoon visiting clubs. " I often see Park Jihoon at clubs every time I go. If anyone sees, they will misunderstand that I am a fan and just want to catch him ," said another.

Since Wanna One's disbandment, Jihoon has been pursuing acting, while Jinyoung debuted in a new group called CIX before recently leaving. Although they are now on different paths in their careers, this video proves that their friendship is still strong. Fans certainly hope that they continue to be successful in their future endeavors.

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