EXO fans are now facing a dilemma, after three EXO members namely Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin reportedly filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment to cancel their exclusive  contract. In the midst of the uproar over the news of the departure of three EXO members from the agency that had raised their names, Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin conveyed their messages and apologies to fans. 

Quoting from Naver on Thursday June 1, 2023, through their attorney. Law Firm LIN, Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin specially left their messages for fans regarding the decision of their lawsuit against SM Entertainment. The three of them shared, "We apologize profusely to fans for this incident, for causing you to worry. We will not stop apologizing. " 

They continued, "Because we have different positions and views from SM Entertainment, we cannot avoid lawsuits. However, we will do our best to resolve this matter wisely so that fans don't worry too much." Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin also shared that they also have a fear of addressing the injustices they experienced in the past. Even to take legal action like now they are still afraid. 

However, even so they hope that fans will pay attention to what they convey and provide support for the courage they have chosen. "We hope that you will pay attention and support for the act of courage we have chosen. Once again, we thank the fans who have supported us for a very long time," concluded Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin. 

Responding to the statements of the three EXO members, the fans showed their full support. Whatever the 3 EXO members are facing, fans hope they get the rights and freedom to fight for their hard work so far. Fans also hope that the three of them will continue to be with EXO and can work comfortably even though they are no longer joining SM Entertainment.

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