Baekho, former member of the K-pop group NU'EST, has been in the spotlight thanks to his stunning physique. As one of the most athletic male idols, he has successfully combined exercise and diet to maintain his body shape.

Until now, Baekho from NU'EST's appearance often excites fans. This is because he loves to show off his six-pack abs with his muscular body on stage. So, what is Baekho from NU'EST's diet and workout like? Check out the complete information below.

1. Baekho's Balanced Diet Journey

The body shape that Baekho has now is not only achieved through exercise, but also through a balanced diet. Quoting Kpopstarz, Baekho of NU'EST shared his physical transformation journey during an interview with Men's Health in 2021.

He admitted that he used to struggle with eating enough rice and meat, but the gym helped him overcome that issue. When preparing for a photoshoot, he followed a strict diet by reducing carbohydrates, sugar, and salt, while increasing his protein intake. Baekho relies on chicken breast as his main source of protein.

2. Intensive Training

To shape his body, Baekho of NU'EST diligently does weight training since his trainee days. This activity not only builds muscle but has also become a daily routine that he enjoys. 

Baekho divides his training schedule based on body parts. For example, Monday for chest, Tuesday for back, Wednesday for shoulders, and Thursday for arms. On Friday through the weekend, he repeats that sequence.

3. Focus on Upper Body

This ex-NU'EST Baekho has a strong lower body advantage, thanks to physical activities since childhood. He was actively involved in kendo for 6-7 years during elementary school, which gave him a solid body foundation.

However, in recent years, he has focused more on the upper body to create ideal proportions. This training includes various types of weight exercises, from dumbbell lifts to intensive push-ups.

In addition to physical training, he also incorporates cardio exercises like dancing. According to him, the combination of weight training and cardio provides maximum results while supporting his performance on stage.

4. Lifestyle Changes

Baekho admitted to having tried unhealthy methods to lose weight, such as skipping meals. However, he realized that such an approach was not sustainable and preferred exercising as a solution.

He often visits the gym with his friends to keep up the motivation. Now, it can be said that exercise has become an inseparable part of Baekho. Well, that's Baekho's diet and workout method from NU'EST to achieve a six-pack. 

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