Bryan Johnson, a billionaire who is viral because he is obsessed with fighting old, admits that he has difficulty getting a girlfriend. It's not that he doesn't want to, but Bryan himself has a busy health routine every day that makes it difficult for him to meet women.

The 45-year-old man is committed to his routine to keep his body young. He sleeps earlier, namely at 20:30. He also routinely eats as much as 2,250 calories between 6 to 11 am. After that he ate another food. Bryan spends five hours concentrating so he admits that very few women are willing to accept his routine.

"In a situation where I was trying to date, the first thing I did was give them a list of 10 things they would hate about him and all of those things were impossible to accept. This is a big deal," Bryan said, as quoted by the NY Post. One thing that Bryan would rule out with his potential partner: he didn't want to sleep together. 

For him, a good sleep activity is very important to him. If there is someone beside him then it can trigger him to be disturbed in his sleep. The single father also enforced the rules in his house. In the morning she and her son don't talk much. "My son and I have a protocol at home where there's no exchange of questions like, 'Good morning. How are you?'" Bryan says.

Bryan wouldn't even utter a single word at times when he needed to concentrate. This seems to be his way of constantly training his brain and memory. "I go to bed early, I wake up early, and I have four or five hours of concentrated thinking where I can think really big pictures and try to pull myself out of my situation and be as aware as possible," he explains.

In his mission to fight old and be able to live forever, the man from Utah who now lives in California made a lot of efforts. He admits that he still wants to live to be 200 years old. Bryan has a team of 30 doctors and medical experts to help him have a heart as healthy as a 37-year-old, 28-year-old skin and 18-year-old lungs.

The target is to make all of his organs including the brain, liver, kidneys, teeth, skin, hair to the penis function like when he was a teenager. Every day Bryan also took 111 pills. The man who works as a software developer spends about US $ 2 million or around Rp. 29.9 billion a year to make his body young again.

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