EXO's DO has finally officially made a comeback as a solo singer, through the release of his third mini album entitled ' Blossom '. To be precise, Tuesday May 7, 2024. Along with the release of the latest mini album, the music video for the main song ' Mars ' has also been shared on Company Soosoo's YouTube channel. 

Carrying the theme of a warm love story, the music video for the song 'Mars' is presented with a concept that is both humorous and heartfelt.  The video, which is around 4 minutes and 12 seconds long, opens with a scene of DO who is busy riding a bicycle filled with flowers, heading somewhere. 

Starting from preparing yourself at home, before leaving for a large meadow amidst the trees. Like a researcher, DO is seen entering a tent where he uses all available communication technology tools to try to get answers from someone in outer space. 

Not in vain, DO received a reply in the form of a message written on a small chip. On the other hand, someone also seemed to be observing him from a distance. Wanting to express his feelings of love for someone in a faraway place, DO arranged the flowers he brought to form a large series of sentences on the meadow. 

With romantic sentences like 'I miss you', he hopes that the person in question can read it. On the other hand, the song 'Mars' is a minimalist pop genre song with a medium tempo. The song's lyrics express a message about the courage to love someone, even though they feel like they come from different worlds. 

The minimalist musical beat combined with DO's soft and distinctive vocals makes this song very pleasant to listen to to accompany your relaxing time. Meanwhile, EXO's DO third mini album entitled 'Blossom' consists of 6 songs, including the main song 'Mars'. 

As well as the pre-release song 'Popcorn' which was previously released on April 30 2024. Apart from the two songs above, there are also 4 b-side tracks which are no less cool. Namely, 'Simple Joys', 'Good Night', 'My Dear', and 'About Time'. Once again congratulations on the comeback of the third mini album 'Blossom' for EXO's DO.

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