Sony Pictures has released the first trailer for Here, a new film adapted from the graphic novel by Richard McGuire and set to premiere November 15, 2024. This film is a reunion for legendary director Robert Zemeckis with the stars of Forrest Gump, namely Tom Hanks and Robin Wright.

In Here , Robert Zemeckis again shows his interest in digital technology by returning the appearance of Tom Hanks and Robin Wright to their ages in Forrest Gump, as a young couple in their late 20s or early 30s. Here presents a unique concept that is different from Forrest Gump. 

If Forrest Gump tells the story of the main character's life journey across various decades of American history, Here will focus on one place and the lives of the people who inhabited it over the years. This latest trailer shows Tom Hanks and Robin Wright being shown from adolescence to becoming an elderly couple, with their home as a witness to their entire life journey together.

The trailer has a surreal feel and feels like it follows life through various stages, with screen cuts showing various phases in the characters' journeys. Without giving too many details, Here shows a glimpse of their journey across generations and even centuries, and reveals the experiences of love, happiness and sorrow they experienced while living there.

The film stars Tom Hanks as Richard, Robin Wright as Margaret, Paul Bettany as Al, Kelly Reilly as Rose, Ophelia Lovibond as Stella Beekman, Michelle Dockery, and Nikki Amuka-Bird, along with other stars. Robert Zemeckis co-produced the film with Jack Rapke, Derek Hogue, and Bill Block, while Jeremy Johns, Andrew Golov, and Thom Zadra served as executive producers.

The idea for Here began as a six-page short story published in Raw magazine in 1989. The unique concept caught on and in 2010, publisher Pantheon announced plans to develop the story into a graphic novel. In addition to the film Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis have worked together on several other projects such as Finch, Cast Away, The Walk, The Polar Express, and a live action adaptation of Pinocchio.

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