The series ' Squid Game ' season 2 has aired its seven episodes on December 26, 2024. This season focuses on the story of Seong Gi Hoon (Lee Jung Jae) who returns to the game. He is determined to take revenge and his goal is to stop the game, so that people are no longer killed in vain.

He had planned it for years and even prepared support by involving trusted and selected people to help with the ambush. But unfortunately at the end of episode 7 Gi Hoon was caught by the Frontman. Many viewers are curious about what will happen in the next season. 

Will Seong Gi Hoon finally be able to continue his resistance? Or will it end up in the hands of Frontman? Actually, there are several things that can be predicted about what will happen in season 3 after watching season 2. Let's see the 4 predictions about season 3!

1. Gi Hoon will return to continue his revenge

Gi Hoon was indeed caught by the Frontman, but it seems that this will not stop his determination to rebel. Somehow, it is certain that Gi Hoon will continue to do so. Will he get help from Hwang Jun Ho (Wi Ha Joon) or will he get support from other parties who are also involved in this game, maybe there will even be other characters who will support Gi Hoon.

2. The appearance of the Chul Soo doll makes the game even more tense.

It should be noted that at the end of the episode that appears after the after credits there is a clip showing the female doll character or Young Hee and a boy doll named Chul Soo. Well, the emergence of this new doll character is predicted to also make the game more complex for the 'Squid Game' season 3 series. 

Maybe the 'Red Light Green Light' game will be even more tense because it will present two dolls as motion detectors. Well, this can also be an estimate that other games or new games that appear will become more and more tense for the audience.

3. Will Kang No Eul change sides because of the painter's death?

One of the characters that attracts attention is the character Kang No Eul played by Park Gyu Young. He becomes a guard with a triangle sign which means he is a guard equipped with a weapon. His job is to execute participants who are declared defeated in the game.

Although in Season 2 his action is not too visible, it can be predicted that Park Gyu Young's presence is not possible only as an actor with a less impressive character. It is likely that he will change sides or together with Gi Hoon stop the game.

This is because No Eul has sympathy for the character Kyung Suk (Lee Jin Uk) who eventually died in the rebellion. Even though he was fighting for money for his son's recovery.

4. The mystery is revealed, including the mastermind behind the deadly game.

The end of all the expected endings is the revelation of the mystery including why this deadly game was held, who the mastermind is, and why this must be done? In addition, the reason why the Frontman decided to leave his family and join as an executive of this game is questionable

But what needs to be remembered is that the predictions made are based on what has happened in the second season. So this cannot be used as a benchmark that this is a spoiler for the next season.

Indeed, in some shows, sometimes there are clues that produce theories and are believed by fans. So look forward to the third season of the Netflix series 'Squid Game' which is planned to air in the second half of 2025!

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