"Squid Game 2" has successfully become one of the most popular dramas of 2024. This drama continues the storyline of season 1 where Seong Gi Hun (Lee Jung Jae) returns to the deadly game to take revenge and face the Front Man (Lee Byung Hun). 

Soon after the release of "Squid Game 2", controversy apparently arose in Vietnam. Local media outlet Tuoi Tre Online criticized the Netflix drama for dialogues referring to the Vietnam War. The media outlet called it inappropriate and offensive to Vietnamese audiences. 

The dialogue in question is when Kang Dae Ho (Kang Ha Neul) tells his senior in the Marine Corps, Park Jung Bae (Lee Seo Hwan), that his father was a Vietnam War veteran. Jung Bae replies, "Your father must have been a great man." 

The dialogue sparked outrage in Vietnam, where the portrayal of South Korean soldiers as great figures during the Vietnam War has drawn widespread criticism. Given the painful and complicated history surrounding the Vietnam War, which caused immense suffering for the Vietnamese people, the remarks prompted a swift and fierce public backlash. 

Calls for a boycott of "Squid Game 2" have also been heard in Vietnam. A representative from Vietnam's Film Department stated, "We are currently reviewing and evaluating whether 'Squid Game 2' violates the country's film law."

On the other hand, the plot of "Squid Game 2" becomes more political as the battle is more between the players themselves and their personal beliefs that lead to their downfall. Although the game may be cruel and seem unfair, season 2 constantly reminds players and viewers of the right to exercise democracy by voting and ending the game at any time.

Capitalism and greed are the natural forefront of the story of "Squid Game 2" and explore these aspects more critically than in the first season. Like Season One, a diverse cast of characters with colorful pasts are introduced and none of them feel forced, drawn out, or flabby.

In "Squid Game 2", there are characters such as a mother and a child, an idol, a pregnant woman, and even a transgender woman appearing. This proves that everyone's circumstances can drive them to risk their lives to pursue the ideal they dream of.

As for the games, they are just as fun as ever. While the original Red Light Green Light game is included again, more games are introduced this season and highlight many traditional games that Koreans love such as jack (Gonggi) and hacky sack (Jegichagi).

As always, the rules remain the same and the outcomes remain brutal with every game ending in bloodshed. However, the golden piggy bank that metaphorically hangs hope by a thread continues to lure players even as they sleep.

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