SEVENTEEN 's K-Pop idols have reportedly managed to stay on the Billboard charts for 5 consecutive weeks. On July 13, 2022, South Korean media Maeil Gyeongjae reported that SEVENTEEN 's full album Face The Sun was on the Billboard 200 Albums chart. Based on the last chart released by Billboard for the period July 10-16, 2022, SEVENTEEN's Face The Sun album reached #165 on the Billboard 200 Albums.
This position is up 27 places from the previous position. The album Face The Sun successfully debuted on the Billboard 200 Albums chart on June 18, 2022. The album Face The Sun was ranked #7 for its debut on the Billboard 200 Albums chart. In its second week to chart on June 25, the album Face The Sun ranked #23. The Billboard 200 Albums chart on July 2 put the album Face The Sun at #92.
The fourth week (July 9, 2022) the album Face The Sun on the Billboard 200 Albums chart reached #192. The position of the album Face The Sun for 5 consecutive weeks on the Billboard 200 Albums made SEVENTEEN managed to set a new record for himself. The album Face The Sun managed to become SEVENTEEN's longest-serving album to occupy the Billboard 200 Albums.
In addition to occupying the Billboard 200 Albums, the album 'Face the Sun' also managed to enter the position of #4 on the World Albums chart , #9 on the 'Top Current Album Sales' chart, and #9 on the 'Top Album Sales' chart. SEVENTEEN 's full album Face The Sun was released on May 27, 2022. The album consists of 9 songs with 'HOT' as the title track.
The album Face The Sun gained popularity even before the album's release. The album Face The Sun reached 'double million sellers' for pre-orders . If the album Face The Sun describes SEVENTEEN's desire to become 'The Sun'. The album SECTOR 17 is described as a new world of SEVENTEEN ending their journey as 'The Sun'. SEVENTEEN's SECTOR 17 album will be released on July 18, 2022 at 6 p.m. KST or 4 p.m. KST.
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