A veteran fashion director made a surprise revelation about K-drama star Song Kang on Instagram. Keep on scrolling to know what he revealed! Based on a news cited by a media outlet on July 11, "A", a fashion photographer who has been in the industry for a decade, shared a post on Instagram about the real personality of Song Kang after working with him.

Mr. A went to an overseas photo shoot with the "Sweet Home" actor. According to the director, for the years that he's been in the industry, he has met a bunch of celebrities and yet some of them didn't leave an impression on him. He then had the chance to work with Song Kang in Switzerland for a week. He was asked what it was like to work with the Korean star. 

Mr. A shared that due to the unpredictable weather in the said country, they need to adjust their schedule and go to several locations for their shooting, which means everyone was drained and stressed out. But to his surprise, despite all of the struggles that everyone experienced during the shoot, Song Kang never missed joining the staff meal. Mr. A commented that not most celebrities join the staff meal. 

In continuation, the fashion director said, "During the meal, Song Kang would smile and speak to the staff around. I used to worry about him, thinking that he didn't need to do that." Mr. A admitted that he is not the type of person who tries to start a conversation, particularly with celebrities, which may look like he is unfriendly. But despite being distant from the stars, Mr. A praised Song Kang for being a kind and incredible partner. 

The fashion director added, "Song Kang is honest, thoughtful, and kind. He has his way of speaking and behaving around his age. And honestly, it's hard to find someone who speaks and behaves that way knowing how famous he is. "He also mentioned that Mr. A always sees the "Love Alarm" actor taking good care of the staff during their stay in Switzerland. 

Since he didn't have the time to say it in person, Mr. A took to Instagram and wrote a post revealing the true personality of Song Kang on and off the camera. He told Song Kang's fans that they can keep on supporting him, as the K-drama heartthrob is an amazing person. Meanwhile, Song Kang confirmed his participation in the upcoming Netflix's "Sweet Home" third sequel. 

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