On August 11, 2022, the Chinese drama Being a Hero starring Chen Xiao, Wang Yibo, Wang Jinsong, Liu Yijun, Zhao Zhaoyi, and Zhang Zhijian officially aired. The investigative-themed drama is reported to air with 36 episodes until September 16, 2022. Being a Hero tells the story of a young anti-narcotics police officer named Chen Yu (Wang Yibo). 

He is a persistent and courageous person. Chen Yu tries to clear the name of his best friend, Wu Zhenfeng (Chen Xiao), who is a murder suspect with the nickname " Brother Feng ". Wu Zhenfeng's father, Wu Gang, was killed by the drug smuggling organization headed by "K" five years ago. To launch an act of revenge, Wu Zhenfeng did something that made Chen Yu lose his position in the narcotics unit. 

Not wanting to involve his best friend, Wu Zhenfeng went to the border. On the other hand, Chen Yu was chasing after him relentlessly. The two were later separated because Wu Zhenfeng was taken away by a militant drug dealer. He then disappeared for some time before finally reuniting with Chen Yu. 

One of the main characters of Being a Hero , namely Wang Yibo, was a guest speaker in an interview, as reported by Netease . In the video interview, he talked about Wang Jinsong who is also the actor of Being a Hero . Wang Yibo confessed that Wang Jinsong always took care of himself. 

In addition, when interviewed by Youku, Wang Yibo shared that he learned a special way to maintain health from Wang Jinsong. The senior actor taught him to brew tea leaves with cold water. The brewed tea can be drunk the next day. Brewing tea leaves with cold water does have several benefits. Quoting from bobo.grid.id, this method can strengthen the antioxidant content in tea leaves. 

In addition, it can also make the tea taste softer and less bitter. The aroma of the tea will be more pronounced. Not only giving some tips for maintaining health, Wang Yibo said that Wang Jinsong took good care of him on set. He often taught her how to adjust her emotions and helped her adapt more quickly to circumstances.

The professional communication and warm interaction between Wang Jinsong and Wang Yibo touched the hearts of many fans. The two are not only seniors and juniors in the drama, but also become teachers and students and friends in real life. Not a few hope that they can work together again in the future.

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