Once Upon a Small Town is a Korean romantic-comedy drama series directed by Kwon Seok-jang and starring Choo Yeong-woo, Park Soo-young, Baek Sung-chul and Jung Suk-yong, together other cast. member. The series episode 12 has a runtime of 35 minutes. The drama episode 12 begins with a fateful kiss on the side of the road when it turns out that Yeong-suk and Yun-hyeong are also together – unfortunately, they are caught making out in their car by one of the nosy neighbors. 

It's funny to see Yun-hyeong fuss over Yeong-suk. After all, the two of them planned to catch an early show on Ja-young's day off, but sadly, the two were called in to do emergency work, and after they spent time devoting themselves to work, their plans together were canceled. Ja-young is a bit annoyed about it and grabs a few glasses of soju to cool off.

As Ji-yul waits for Ja-young afterwards, she's spotted by three nosy aunties, but surprisingly enough, a drunk Ja-young goes straight to the city broadcast station and announces to the rest of the station that she's dating Ji-yul — unfortunately for them, Turns out everyone already knew. Hilarity occurs when the three of them laugh at two love birds for thinking that they are very secretive. 

After the alcohol leaves his blood, Ja-young, excited that everyone knows everything, takes Ji-yul to her house and paints her nails with balsam leaves like they did when they were kids so no one tries to hit her. It's a rather funny scene with the two of them talking about their past and present. When Ji-yul returns to Seoul, Ja-young's heart begins to fill with insecurity because different people tell her different things about what she should do with her relationship. 

Yeong-suk's theory of sharing everything is proven correct when Ja-young calls Ji-yul out of the blue and sees that she has broken her arm. She was, obviously, shocked and angry and reprimanded him for not sharing more of his life. After Yun-hyeong tells him to stop being so considerate and do what his heart tells him to do, Ja-young shares her burden with Seong-hyeon, who tells her to go and see Ji-yul instead of constantly complaining. 

Unfortunately for both of them, it turns out that Ji-yul is also driving to meet her and poor Ji-yul has to return to Seoul to meet her boyfriend. When Ji-yul finally arrives, he tells her that he has realized that if he wanted to see Ji-yul, he should have come and seen her instead of waiting and sulking. The two of them brought up their problems during the talk and eventually returned to talking to each other normally.

As time goes on, things seem to have gone well for Ja-young and Ji-yul's relationship. Surprisingly, it looks like Sang-hyeon and Ji-yul are getting along too – they seem to play together at night! When Ja-young goes to the vet hospital to get some shots for her puppy, she finds Ji-yul there waiting for her — she returns to congratulate him on becoming a sergeant, and he, furthermore, realizes that he's become a sergeant hospital director. 

Ji-yul moves to live in Huidong and takes over the business because her grandfather can't do it anymore. Plus, he mentioned that he loved living in the village and ended up proposing to her so they could officially exit the dating market. Accepting the proposal, Ja-young promises to be as close as possible from then on, giving us hope for their future together.

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