The drug case involving Yoo Ah In is still ongoing. The latest from this case, the Hellbound actor is facing prosecution for the use of 7 types of illegal drugs. Reporting from various local South Korean media, Yoo Ah In previously faced cases of abuse of 5 types of drugs.

Now two other types are appearing in trials that he reportedly only started using earlier this year. The two drugs include midazolam and alprazolam. In the information provided, the midazolam used by Yoo Ah In was at levels that had a calming effect while alprazolam was still at controlled levels.

Quoting from Korean media outlets, midazolam is included in the group of benzodiazepine drugs belonging to the central nervous system (CNS) depressants. This drug slows down the work of the nervous system which can only be given with a doctor's prescription and supervision. Each patient gets a different dose depending on their needs.

Midazolam injection causes drowsiness and relieves anxiety before surgery or other procedures. The use of midazolam resulted in patients not remembering the details of a procedure. Another use of midazolam is as an anesthetic before and during surgery.

Meanwhile alprazolam is a drug commonly used by people with anxiety disorders and panic disorders. Sometimes this drug is also given to people with depression. Previously, after conducting a drug test, several substances were found in Yoo Ah In's blood. 

These include propofol, marijuana, cocaine, and ketamine. After further investigation, Yoo Ah In also tested positive for excessive zolpidem. The last substance mentioned has been consumed since 2022. Yoo Ah In's case has been forwarded to the prosecution. 

Some time ago, after being questioned in court, Yoo Ah In received harsh treatment from a man who threw a bottle of coffee at him and soiled the jacket he was wearing. At the same time, Yoo Ah In's appearance was also in the spotlight. During the process of examining this drug case, Yoo Ah In is considered to be getting older. There were wrinkles on his face and white hair popping up.

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