Launching from Allkpop media on Saturday August 5, 2023, Actress Han So Hee has just broadcast live on her personal Instagram account, namely, @xeesoxe, precisely on August 4, 2023 KST. The 1994-born actress interacted with fans and hilariously complained, "I have a photoshoot next week so I'm on a diet, but I really want to snack so it drives me crazy."
Han So Hee then continued her complaint by saying, "If I can stop snacking, I can lose weight in a healthy way but I still have sweet cravings." Responding to the idol's dilemma, one of Han So Hee's fans finally made a comment by saying, “I want to be thin like you, unnie. What should I do?"
After reading these comments, Han So Hee firmly stated that fans don't have to do what she did. Han So Hee then conveyed that the reason behind her thin body was because she had a job that required her to diet or maintain an abnormal weight. "It's not what you have to do to be thin like me. You can't be thin like me.
You have to be healthy. The work I do requires me to show people both me and me inside and out, and there are certain requirements for the outside, that's why I diet. If it weren't for my work, I would also maintain a normal person's weight." Han So Hee said. She did not forget to convey to all her fans that one's standard of beauty does not need to be divided into thin or fat.
He firmly stated that beauty will appear and it is very good if we can wear clothes that fit according to personal desires without compromising one's health. As if to give fans an ultimatum, Han So Hee then said that being thin cannot be a measure of one's beauty. "Just because you're skinny doesn't mean you're beautiful. A healthy person looks prettier." Han So Hee said to his fans.
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