The song "Good Enough" by Xdinary Heroes is a work that moves emotions and is full of deep messages. Released as part of the album "Deadluck" by Xdinary Heroes, released in 2023, the song touches on very relevant themes for many people, especially the younger generation who often grapple with feelings of not being good enough and the pressure to live up to high expectations. 

To fully understand the meaning behind "Good Enough," we need to take a closer look at the lyrics, emotional context, and musical style used by Xdinary Heroes. "Good Enough" emerges as a very personal and emotional song. Gunil, one of the members of Xdinary Heroes, revealed that the song "Good Enough" is a reflection of his personal experience. 

He participated in writing the lyrics of this song together with Young K of DAY6. The song captures the feelings of self-doubt and pressure to live up to expectations, which many of today's young generation feel. Through emotional lyrics and dynamic musical arrangements, "Good Enough" conveys the message that feeling not good enough is a very human and natural thing.

Feelings of not being good enough and pressure to live up to expectations are often felt by the younger generation, especially in the social media era where standards of success and happiness are often determined by outward appearance. 

This song captures the essence of those feelings, making it very relatable for many listeners who may be feeling the same way. The lyrics in "Good Enough" clearly summarize the feelings of struggle and search for self-truth. With the use of powerful metaphors and narratives, the song depicts one person's journey to accept themselves as they are, without sacrificing their own core values.

The main message of this song is about the importance of accepting one's own strengths and weaknesses, and releasing pressure from other people's expectations or society's standards. " Just let me wave to you, not wave goodbye, Let me stay by your side " this part expresses the feeling of wanting to remain close to someone who is important in his life. 

Shows a longing to maintain close and meaningful relationships. This can reflect a fear of loss or a desire to maintain strong ties despite uncertainty. " Is it gravity or ocean wind, That always brings me back wanting you? ". The metaphors of gravity and sea breeze depict the inevitable emotional pull towards loved ones. 

It highlights the feelings that continually drive someone back to that person, despite there perhaps being physical distance or other obstacles. This rhetorical question reflects the ambivalence and uncertainty that sometimes arises in relationships, where there is a strong urge to stay connected despite the challenges that exist. 

" Going back and forth and reaching for, The place I know that seems so far ". These lyrics explore feelings of struggle in achieving a desired goal or state, even though it seems difficult to achieve, showing continued effort and determination to achieve a desired state or relationship, even though there may be obstacles or obstacles in the way.

Musically, "Good Enough" has an arrangement full of energy and emotion. The powerful use of electric guitar and passionate vocals create a dynamic atmosphere filled with intensity. The dominant rock elements in this song reflect a spirit of rebellion and a desire to fight feelings of not being good enough.

Apart from that, the combination of a catchy melody and emotional lyrics makes this song easy to remember and evoke feelings. Xdinary Heroes successfully combines classic rock elements with a modern twist, creating a unique and compelling work.

In the context of the album "xdinary heroes", these lyrics contribute to a larger narrative about a personal journey and search for identity. They add layers of emotion and depth to the exploration of themes such as courage, uncertainty, and hope. 

"Good Enough" not only presents a song with a strong melody, but also a thought-provoking story about the complexity of humans and their relationship with the world around them. Thus, Deadluck's "Good Enough" is not just a song on an album; it is a listening experience that expands our view of how we understand and cope with the challenges of everyday life.

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