Shocking news about Jung Hyung Don's current status has been revealed. On October 21, 2024, Juvis Diet released Jung Hyung Don's before and after diet photos and shared news about his successful weight loss. He lost 10 kg in just 7 weeks after starting the diet. 

Jung Hyung Don explained, "It's been 7 weeks since I started managing my weight, but I went to Hawaii to see my wife and kids for 2 weeks during that time. I think I actually managed my weight for about 5 weeks." He continued, "I used to sleep between 1:30 and 2 a.m., but now I don't sleep past 11 p.m. 

Before, I felt tired and heavy even after sleeping for 8 hours, so I had to take a nap for an hour or two, but now I feel good even without a nap and I'm much more active." "The best part is that I have reduced the amount of blood pressure medication I take. 

After consulting with my doctor, I plan to cut my blood pressure medication by half," she said, sharing about her recent health improvement after going on a diet. Jung Hyung Don, who is often told by people around him that he has lost a lot of fat on his face, said, "I actually have dimples. 

People don't know because they are buried under the fat, but lately, my dimples have been showing up a little bit because I lost weight." "And the weird thing is that I can see my shoulder blades, which I had forgotten about. It's been a long time since I last saw them. 

After I lose weight to my target, my wish list is to scratch my back with my own hands. It may sound weird to other people, but to me, it's a dream," he added. Jung Hyung Don, who said his goal was to lose weight, said, “Even now, when I wear pants, they are so big that a fist can fit through my waist, but I can’t buy new clothes.”

"Because my body changes every week, I can't buy clothes every week. That's why I will buy clothes after I lose weight to my target weight." "I always wear elastic pants, but now I'm wearing jeans that I couldn't wear before. I don't know how long it's been. I wanted to show you how I look in a nice suit at last."

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