Kim Soo Hyun’s agency GOLDMEDALIST has joined hands with EVR Studio to produce a unique virtual human replica of the actor. On December 20, the management company revealed that a digital human, promoting the digital human business of Kim Soo Hyun, will soon be created.

A digital human is a virtual human in 3D form and one that can use appearance and facial expressions just like a real person. This is said to be the first step to preemptively prepare for the next-generation media market. In the future, they plan to use it in various industries such as entertainment, metaverse, movies and advertisements.

This is the first time that a Hallyu star will be digitized, and owing to the limitless fame of the actor, one can only excitedly await the response to this project. Kim Soo Hyun will join multiple other digital humans created previously, however his form will not be limited by time or space and will be produced by different age groups.

Based on EVR Studio's hyper-realistic digital expression technology, it will reflect the physical changes known to real humans, such as skin, muscles and voice. Recently, Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves was digitized for his role in ‘The Matrix Resurrections’.

A GOLDMEDALIST official stated, “As the digital human market is growing rapidly, digital portrait rights along with digital content IP will become important keywords in various industries where digital humans can be utilized. The digital human will please the public with a different charm.”

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