Legendary girl group, Girls' Generation finally made a full appearance on their latest variety show 'Shoshi Tam Tam' which aired on JTBC station.  Quoting from Allkpop on Thursday July 21, 2022, the youngest member of Girls' Generation, Seohyun , finally joined the seven other members in the latest episode of the variety show ' Soshi Tam Tam '. 

In the latest episode that aired on July 19, 2022, the Girls' Generation members played a mysterious game where 'The Devil' would choose one of the members as 'Demon'. If the identity of the 'Demon' is not revealed until the end of the game, or the members successfully complete their mission, then the 'Angel' team will win the game. 

After finishing her schedule elsewhere, Seohyun was finally able to join the other members to play games together. As soon as he joined the game, Seohyun immediately accused Hyoyeon of being a 'demon'.  However, other members actually suspect Seohyun's accusation. 

"Seohyun, this is your first time joining this event, but you understand the rules well, and it feels strange that you suddenly appear on this show," said another member.  It seems that after Seohyun joined the team, their energy became bigger and more passionate about playing the game. The eight members gathered together and completed their missions one by one. 

The fans were also happy to see Seohyun's presence at the 'Soshi Tam Tam' event after she had previously been absent due to other schedules. " It feels great to see our maknae rejoining the group. It's been a long time since I've seen the group members come together as a whole ," wrote one fan. " Seohyun is one of the smartest members and likes to observe the other members in the group, that means the next episode will be more chaotic and fun ," wrote another fan. 

" This is the first Girls' Generation variety show that I watched, Soshi Tam Tam is really fun ." " My heart warmed instantly. I enjoyed the show. They were back together like before ." It seems that fans also agree that Seohyun's presence has succeeded in adding to the excitement of the 'Soshi Tam Tam' variety show. Are you also following this variety show?

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