Allkpop launched on Saturday August 13, 2022, previously it was known that the director of the Korean drama ' Anna ', Lee Joo Young and his production team protested against Coupang Play regarding their unilateral edit. However, there is no apology from Coupang Play regarding this, but they will release the director's cut version of the drama 'Anna'. 

According to a report from Coupang Play on August 12, 2022, a director's cut version will be released. " The 6-episode drama 'Anna' ended successfully last month. In honor of the director's instructions and expectations, we decided to release the 8-episode director's cut version that we promised viewers, " they explained.

Before this incident appeared in the media, Coupang Play announced that they would be releasing an extended version of the drama. Meanwhile, Director Lee Joo Young previously stated that Coupang Play edited the drama 'Anna' into 6 episodes without his knowledge. He also protested because of this. 

" Coupang Play announced that it would release a full version of the drama in July, but there was no announcement that they would be releasing a director's cut version, " said Director Lee Joo Young. Therefore, Coupang Play edited their announcement and stated that the intended long version is the director's cut version.

Previously, the controversy between Coupang Play and the director, Lee Joo Young, arose when the director filed a lawsuit against Coupang Play for accusations of unilaterally editing the drama 'Anna'. The drama ended airing in 6 episodes, even though the director expected the drama 'Anna' to air in 8 episodes.

Coupang Play then responded, " We realize that the editing of the drama is not in accordance with the directions previously approved by Coupang Play, the director, and the production company ." Coupang Play then stated they asked the director to make changes but were not complied with. 

" After obtaining permission from the production company, and exercising our rights in accordance with the contract agreement, we made changes according to the direction of the storyline that was first agreed by all parties, which caused the drama 'Anna' to be a success ," said the Coupang Play party. Now, Coupang Play has decided to release the director's cut version of the drama in response to the director's demands.

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