NEXT boy group member and Chinese actor Ding Zeren finally released a clarification through his personal Weibo account on Tuesday August 9, 2022, after his bad behavior was exposed by someone who claimed to be a fan since his debut. In his clarification, Ding Zeren first apologized for letting everyone down. 

He has done deep self-introspection and realized his mistakes and shortcomings. He shouldn't speak ill of other people behind his back. Ding Zeren admitted to saying hurtful words arrogantly and having a low EQ. This has cost him the agency, his seniors, colleagues and friends who have helped him.  He once again apologized sincerely to everyone who felt hurt because of his behavior. 

Ding Zeren regretted it very much. Previously, a fan known as "Sister Zhen" admitted that she regretted spending her money and time to support someone like Ding Zeren. The figure who he considers to be an idol not only cheated on him and spoke ill of his seniors, but also threatened to commit suicide several times to fulfill his wishes. 

Sister Zhen's figure was also mentioned by Ding Zeren in the clarification he uploaded.  He claimed to have considered Sister Zhen as his older brother for the past four years. He also once considered him a life mentor. Ding Zeren shared many things with Sister Zhen, including something she shouldn't have said or done. However, this NEXT member later referred to Sister Zhen as his nightmare. 

Sister Zhen not only tried to restrict her freedom, she also instigated Ding Zeren to self-harm and commit suicide. Sister Zhen even bothered her family. In a day, Ding Zeren can receive hundreds of calls from the person who claims to be his loyal fan. Whenever Sister Zhen was upset, she threatened to spread bad things about Ding Zeren. Under this kind of pressure, Ding Zeren felt tortured until he ended up doing bad things several times. 

After receiving advice from relatives, friends, and psychologists, he was determined to cut off all contact with Sister Zhen. In addition, he has considered carefully and chose to report the case to the police so that it can be handled immediately. Ding Zeren hoped that the matter would end here and no one would be harmed again. Despite having uploaded a clarification, Ding Zeren is still the subject of ridicule from netizens. 

Because, Sister Zhen spread the voice message from Ding Zeren.  In the voicemail, Ding Zeren's words were clearly heard emphasizing that Sister Zhen was his brother, not his fan. Ding Zeren also admitted that he did not want Sister Zhen to call herself a fan. He sincerely thought of Sister Zhen as his brother, his only brother. 

If Sister Zhen feels that she is just using him, she invites Sister Zhen to go to her house and stab her with a knife. Soon, this recorded voicemail became a laughing stock. The comment column for Ding Zeren's clarification upload was filled with innuendo from netizens regarding the contents of the voice message uploaded by Sister Zhen.

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