VICTON's Heo Chan personally expressed his apologies for the drunk driving (DUI) case and admitted that he deeply regrets his actions. Previously, IST Entertainment had explained the chronology of the incident and Heo Chan would stop all activities while VICTON continued activities with five members.

Along with the agency's statement, Heo Chan shared a handwritten letter in which he personally apologized for. He wrote, “First, I bow my head and sincerely apologize for having to deliver this embarrassing news before many scheduled activities.” “Once again, I apologize for causing social controversy due to my wrong behavior on September 20.”

“As a public figure who has to set a positive example for the general public and fans, I should have felt more responsible for my actions, but instead, I ended up causing great disappointment through one moment where I made the wrong choice.” Heo Chan continued, “I sincerely reflect on my mistakes, and I spend every day drowning in regret and self-blame.”

“Above all, I finally look back on myself and my flaws once again while thinking of our fans who have spent the past six years trusting and cheering me on, as well as my fellow [VICTON] members, the people at the agency, our many staff members, and many other people. others who must have been hurt by my actions.” “Compared to the hurt and disappointment that all of you must have felt because of this incident, 

I will repent many times deeper and feel this [regret] to my bones.” “I will engrave all the criticisms and rebukes I have received for my irreversible actions in my heart, and I will reflect deeply on myself so that I can live life while being someone who has no shame.” Finally, Heo Chan closed the letter by writing, “Once again, I bow my head and sincerely apologize for causing this controversy. I apologize."

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