The agency that houses actor Nam Joo Hyuk, Management SOOP, has finally spoken out about the video circulating allegedly as evidence of a bullying case that dragged the name of their actor. Quoting from Soompi on Friday April 28, 2023, recently a video allegedly showing a case of bullying by actor Nam Joo Hyuk was widely discussed on social media.
In the video, 'A (claims to be victim of bullying Nam Joo Hyuk)' looks like he was forced to take part in a fight he didn't want. Although Nam Joo Hyuk does not appear in the video, 'A' admits that the actor is there. Responding to the report, the agency that oversees Nam Joo Hyuk also denied any connection between the video and their actor.
"Hello, this is Management SOOP. We would like to give an official stance regarding the video content that was spread on YouTube on April 26, 2023 which dragged our actor's name," said the agency. They continued, “First of all, we would like to convey that the fight video has nothing to do with our actors.
It's not true that our actor forced someone to join in the fight." The agency also explained further, that Nam Joo Hyuk had had a meeting with the accuser who claimed to have received violence at school by the actor. They also claimed to know the existence of the video. However, on closer inspection, the actor was not there.
However, the video uploader talked about it as if Nam Joo Hyuk was there. The agency also emphasized that the investigation into the case of violence at school which dragged the name of actor Nam Joo Hyuk was ongoing. They hope that other parties will not spread one-sided rumors, until the results of the investigation are officially released.
Last year, Nam Joo Hyuk was swept up in school violence allegations when three accusers claimed to have been bullied by the actor and his friends in high school. Among other claims, one of the accusers alleged that if a weak student did something to displease Nam Joo Hyuk and his friends, they would form a circle around the student and force him to physically fight someone of their choosing.
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