SM Entertainment issued their official statement regarding Lucas' status as a member of the NCT and WayV groups. Quoting from Allkpop on Wednesday May 10, 2023, SM Entertainment said in their official statement that Lucas was no longer part of the WayV and NCT groups. The following is the contents of the official statement from SM Entertainment regarding Lucas' new status. 

"Hello, this is SM Entertainment. We want to inform you about the activities of our artist Lucas in the future," said SM Entertainment. They continued, "As a result of lengthy discussions between Lucas and the agency, we have decided that Lucas will leave groups WayV and NCT, and will carry out activities as a solo artist." 

"This decision was taken based on the belief that this is the best decision to respect the other members and also the fans," he added. They continued, "We ask for the understanding of all the fans who have supported Lucas as a member of NCT and WayV." SM Entertainment further explained that Lucas would return to actively promoting as a solo artist in the future. 

They also say a big thank you to all the fans who have given Lucas care, love, and support all these years. Meanwhile, SM Entertainment did not mention whether Lucas had left their agency or not. They only announced that Lucas had left the WayV and NCT groups. 

Previously, Lucas personally wrote a long letter to fans via uploads on his personal Instagram account, and said that he had chosen to leave WayV and NCT. Meanwhile, Lucas was dragged into a controversy involving his personal life, such as having an affair and gaslighting, which forced him to go on hiatus since 2021.  

Many fans regretted Lucas' decision to leave the NCT and WayV groups. Because previously Lucas started sharing updates regarding his activities while doing training. Fans think Lucas will soon return from his hiatus and rejoin WayV and NCT. But unfortunately, today they had to say goodbye to Lucas after he decided to leave the group.

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