"Love in the Big City" has been released since October 21, 2024. This drama follows the story of Go Young ( Nam Yoon Su ), a gay man who experiences love and friendship in Seoul while grappling with the complexities of a changing society.

The screenplay for "Love in the Big City" is based on Park Sang Young's best-selling novel, which was also a finalist for the 2022 International Booker Prize. The drama is inspired by four stories from a collection of interconnected short stories.

In its production, "Love in the Big City" takes the Hollywood approach of using a different director for each episode. Each episode presents the directors' unique style and creates a drama with a cinematic feel.

Upon its release, "Love in the Big City" immediately became a sensation on Twitter, especially because of its shockingly vulgar scenes. However, the audience also apparently gave praise to the LGBTQ+ themed storyline.

" I was looking forward to it so much, but it turned out to be better than I expected! What should I do now? I've been curious about 'A Bite of Rockfish', 'Taste the Universe' since reading the novels, and was surprised when Yeong Su appeared exactly as I imagined. 

Eight episodes are not enough, we need 80 episodes soon! [sic!]," wrote one netizen. " My friends and I gathered at my parents' house after work and watched up to episode 5 of Love in the Big City. This drama is absolutely amazing and the characters are so relatable to those who know what's good [sic!]," added another.

On WatchaPedia, "Love in the Big City" has received high ratings, with viewers loving its depiction of passionate love and heartbreak among urban youth. Viewers felt a deep emotional impact when watching it.

" There is so much pain hidden in the beautiful word 'love' [sic!]," another netizen continued. " This is a top-notch drama… Gyu Ho and Ko Young, you deserve happiness, even in another world [sic!]," another netizen concluded.

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