In 2022, a K-Pop idol group under the auspices of the Spire Entertainment agency, OMEGA X reported a case of violence perpetrated by the agency's former CEO. Not only that, the group which debuted with eleven members in 2021 also mentioned sexual harassment by the former CEO.
Not wanting to stay silent, the group which contains Jaehan, Hwichan, Sebin, Hangyeom, Taedong, Xen, Jehyun, Kevin, Junghoon, Hyuk, and Yechan held a press conference with a lawyer named Noh Jeong-eun. They sued to terminate the exclusive contract with the agency that did not treat them well.
Then the good news finally came recently. After successfully winning the lawsuit, OMEGA X is now free from the agency that persecuted them. Quoting Koreaboo, an official representing OMEGA X told media outlet Newsen that Spire Entertainment and OMEGA X had agreed to terminate their contract together.
After a series of careful and lengthy discussions with the former agency of Spire Entertainment, we agreed to terminate the exclusive contract between the two parties in a seamless manner. As a result, we have decided to end all disputes with our previous agency, Spire Entertainment, and it has been decided that each side will work together to help develop K-Pop in our respective positions.
We sincerely thank the many people who worry about us and believe in us. Going forward, OMEGA X plans to continue their activities with their manager who has worked with the group for a long time, since their debut. We'll be back with even better music and growth. Please give lots of support to OMEGA X, which is making a new leap forward.
Even though it's only been two years since their debut as an idol group, OMEGA X has released many singles and albums during their career. For those of you who are curious and want to get to know these eleven talented members of OMEGA X, you can visit them through the group Instagram account @omegax_official.
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