Last weekend's episode of the Korean drama King the Land featured a character named Prince Samir, played by actor Anupam Tripathy. It is said that Prince Samir is an Arab Prince who is a friend of Gu Won (the character played by 2PM's Junho) while studying abroad. Unfortunately, the portrayal of the Arab Prince in this episode caused controversy. 

There, Prince Samir appeared with a bearded face and wore a turban. He also seems to be enjoying time with several girls in a nightclub, giving off the impression of a playboy. He also made physical contracts with these women. Criticism and debate about this then rolled on social media. 

There are those who regret that JTBC has passed such a depiction script and is considered very insensitive to certain cultures. "Don't talk about us on your show, this is not funny, disgusting and racist! You should apologize!" wrote one netter. "This is not the first time they have shown a culture that has been deflected with great disrespect and disgust. 

They really have no respect, morals, and are stupid," wrote another netter. JTBC is said to have lacked research and did not understand what they were showing on the screen. Moreover, such portrayals in the media can have very damaging and negative effects. Then there were also those who said that JTBC was not detailed in casting the Prince Samir actor. 

The audience really regretted why an Indian actor had to play the figure of an Arab king. Therefore, many viewers are asking for an apology from JTBC regarding this broadcast. Seeing the flurry of criticism, the production team for the Korean drama King the Land opened their voices. 

They clarified the issue of netizen accusations by stating that there was nothing intentional in the creative process of writing the script to depicting the characters on the screen. "The characters, regions, place names, etc. that appear in this drama are fictional and there is no intention to make it a satirical depiction of a certain culture.

The production team respects cultural diversity and will pay more attention to the production process so that no audience feels uncomfortable ," they were quoted as saying by various local South Korean media sources. Meanwhile, King the Land is now being liked by Korean drama audiences. The last episode that aired became the episode with the best rating throughout the Korean drama season played by SNSD's Yoona.

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