The film 'Reclaim' is back at the Trans TV Cinema. This action genre film will be broadcast on Thursday October 12, 2023, precisely at 23.00 WIB. Released in 2014, 'Reclaim' is a film directed by Alan White. His previous works include 'Broken' (2006), and 'Risk' (2000). A number of famous stars take part in this 96 minute film. 

They include John Cusack, Ryan Phillippe, and Luiz Guzman. Reclaim was released in limited release on video on demand in 2014. This film received a score of 2.87/10 on the Rotten Tomatoes website. 'Reclaim' follows a husband and wife, Shannon and her husband, Steven, played by Ryan Phillippe. 

They intend to adopt a teenager from Haiti named Nina. Through an organization called International Rescue Adoption whose operations are run by Gabrielle Reigert who is based in Puerto Rico. Shannon and Steve paid 60 thousand dollars to the IRA to legally adopt Nina. 

Since then, Shannon and Steve have faced big problems. Nina turns out to be a puppet to blackmail Steve further. Gabrielle Riegert secretly kidnapped Nina and asked Steve for ransom of an additional 30 thousand dollars. Together with his wife, Shannon, Steve did not yet realize that this was an engineered crime. 

The next day, Steve and Shannon are also kidnapped and Riegert's partner, Benjamin blackmails the two of them into handing over all their savings in the bank. Steve was finally involved in brave action to face the kidnappers of himself and his wife who also had a hand in Nina's disappearance. Watch 'Reclaim' at the Trans TV Cinema on Thursday October 12, 2023 at 23.00 WIB.

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