In recent days, Dewi Perssik's old video has gone viral again on social media. The recording of Dewi Perssik's performance in 2006 when she performed the song entitled 'Basah Basah' was widely parodied by netizens. In the performance of Dewi Perssik dancing on stage at an event in Pasuruan in 2006,
Dewi Persik was seen performing the song Basah Basah which Gudang Garam Jaya had included as an invitation. Apart from that, the dangdut singer who is familiarly called Depe replaced one of his lyrics when performing the song Teman Tapi Mesra by adding the lyric "But I have Saipul".
Dewi Perssik, who realized that her old video was viral on social media, made a video and responded to her old appearance. Depe even mentioned the name Saipul Jamil , who is from Dewi Perssik's past, but is now being brought up again by netizens.
“It's not Saipul's, please, it's over, it's over. "It's clear that this is 2024, what you see is 2006. At that time he was my girlfriend, now it's different," said Dewi Perssik while live on her personal Instagram, quoted from the Instagram account @lambegosiip on Wednesday May 29, 2024.
Dewi Perssik said there was no need to be embarrassed that Saifui Jamil was no longer with her, even though she once said in the lyrics of her song "I have Saipul". "I already have a new one, you're cute, Dewi is singing, she's rocking, why am I embarrassed," said Depe while demonstrating his old rocking.
Dewi Perssik added that she should not bring up her relationship with Saipul Jamil again because currently Dewi Persik already has Rully. "Don't be like that, Saipul is no longer with me, I already have Rully," she added.
Saipul Jamil's ex-wife said the story would be different if she broke up with Rully. He asked netizens to appreciate what he has now. “But I already have Mas Rully, now. "If you break up, it's something else, what you appreciate now, right," she said while singing the lyrics 'I already have Mas Rully'.
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