Kim Seon Ho met his Indonesian fans again after a year through the 2024 KIM SEONHO ASIA TOUR < Color Full > in JAKARTA event which was held on Saturday, July 27, 2024 at the Indonesia Arena. The 2.5-hour fan meeting opened with the song Miracle, the lyrics of which were specially written by Kim Seon Ho for Seonhohada, his fans' nickname.

More special, Kim Seon Ho then greeted fans in fluent Indonesian, "Hello, I'm Kim Seon Ho. Nice to meet you. Let's have fun today, thank you." Kim Seon Ho gets closer to fans through various interesting segments, starting from Colorful Talk, Seonho-ticon, Relay Games to Bingo Games. In particular, Relay Games is played with nine lucky fans. 

The star of the drama 'The Tyrant' cried while watching the fan project video that described his career journey, before closing the fan meeting with the song Reason. In addition, the interaction between Kim Seon Ho and MC Indra Herlambang also added to the excitement that has been missed since the first fan meeting last year.

Jakarta holds a special place in Kim Seon Ho's heart. Not only was it the final destination, but it also managed to raise the actor's energy and spirit. On the other hand, Kim Seon Ho also succeeded in paying off the fans' longing. Kim Seon Ho even directly drew the Monas which is the icon of the city of Jakarta.

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