Live-action anime adaptations are gaining popularity in the entertainment industry. Previously, many anime fans were skeptical that anyone could make a live-action version of One Piece, but Netflix has proven their worth.

Meanwhile, Warner Bros Japan has tried their luck with live-action productions like Rurouni Kenshin, Tokyo Revengers, and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable. Most recently, Warner Bros. is working on a live-action film  of Cells At Work and has hired Hideki Takeuchi as director. 

The latest posters of the White Blood Cell and Red Blood Cell characters in the live-action version have been released. The poster features the film's four main cast members: Mei Nagano as Red Blood Cell, Takeru Sato as White Blood Cell, Sadao Abe as Shigeru Urushizaki, and Mana Ashida as Niko Urushizaki.

Cells At Work has achieved great success in the anime world, not only through its main series but also through its various spin-offs , including  Cells At Work: Code Black, Bacteria At Work, Cells That Don't Work, Cells At Work: White , and Cells At Work Baby. The live-action Cells At Work film will be released in Japanese theaters on December 13, 2024 this year. 

Unfortunately, there is no information yet on whether the film will air and when it will be released in Indonesia. This film tells the story of human cells as the main characters. In the human body, there are about 37 trillion cells, each of which has an important role, such as red blood cells that carry oxygen and white blood cells that fight bacteria.

It is said that Niko is a high school student with a healthy lifestyle and has body cells that always work with enthusiasm. On the other hand, her father's body, who lives an irregular and unhealthy life, is filled with cells that always complain and are tired.

Although on the outside they look like a happy father and son, the internal conditions of their bodies are very different. As time passes, the threat of pathogens begins to lurk in their bodies. The greatest battle in the history of human cells that will determine the future of Niko and Shigeru is about to begin!

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