' About Family ' is a South Korean comedy drama film that presents a warm and touching story about family. Starring Kim Yun Seok and Lee Seung Gi, this film presents a touching family story. The story centers on Ham Moo Ok (Kim Yun Seok), a successful dumpling restaurant owner.
His restaurant is always crowded with customers, making him very rich. However, his seemingly perfect life suddenly changes when he has to accept the fact that his family line may be cut off. Her only son, Ham Moon Seok (Lee Seung Gi), has decided to become a monk.
This decision brings a little disappointment to Ham Moo Ok, because her dream of having grandchildren is impossible to come true. Unexpectedly, Ham Moo Ok's life changes drastically when two small children suddenly appear in front of her.
The two children claim to be Ham Moo Seok's children. The arrival of the two children made Ham Moo Ok's life more colorful. He had to learn to be a good and responsible grandfather. Although he was happy with the presence of the two children and becoming a grandfather.
On the other hand, he was worried about what other people would think because his only son was now a monk known by many people. What would other people say if his son had two children. The presence of these two grandchildren also reveals secrets that have been hidden.
Conflicts and misunderstandings are inevitable. However, through all the trials, the Ham Moo Ok family becomes closer and learns the true meaning of family. Overall, 'About Family' is a heartfelt and meaningful film. It teaches us about the importance of family and how we should appreciate each family member.
If you want to watch a movie that can make you laugh and cry at the same time, 'About Family' is definitely worth watching. 'About Family' itself has actually aired in South Korea on December 11, now the film is on the coming soon list in Indonesian cinemas. It is still not certain when the actual airing date is, so keep waiting for the next update!
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