Director Hyun Hae Ri couldn't hold back her tears while attending the screening of the film "Collapse" or "Crypto Man". The director apparently remembered the film's main actor, Song Jae Rim, who allegedly committed suicide on November 12, 2024.

The screening of the film "Collapse" was attended by the director himself, along with actors such as Ahn Woo Yeon, Min Sung Wook, Cha Jung Won, and So Hee Jung. The film tells the story of the collapse of cryptocurrency that destroyed and wiped out billions of investors' funds.

"Collapse" will be the film that shows Jae Rim's last acting before he died. The actor, born in 1985, plays Yang Do Hyun, a charismatic figure who claims to be the mastermind behind the cryptocurrency "MOMMY". Director Hae Ri immediately became emotional and cried when asked about Jae Rim. 

He recalled the actor's audition days, saying, "I thought the character needed a mysterious face. After seeing his audition, I knew he was perfect for the role," the director said. Director Hae Ri revealed that Jae Rim has a lot of knowledge about cryptocurrency. 

"He is very knowledgeable about cryptocurrency and we had a really fun conversation during the casting process. I immediately thought, 'He's the one,'" she added. The director also expressed his longing for Jae Rim. "We worked closely together during the filming process, and he shared a lot of valuable insights. 

Many people may have preconceptions about him, but he is truly a warm and kind person. I miss him a lot and wish he could be here to watch the film's release," he added. Previously, the director also revealed that Jae Rim was very professional when working. 

"Because he plays a character related to real-life events, he does it very carefully. He is truly a professional," said the director of "Collapse". The director also praised Jae Rim by saying, "He carefully reviews the latest related articles the night before each filming. 

He even suggests changes in the script and says, 'Should we adjust this part?'" On the other hand, Jae Rim was found dead at his home in Seongdong District around 12:30 p.m. on November 12, 2024. Initially, a friend who planned to meet him for lunch found the actor lying down and notified the police. 

Police stated, "So far, there is no evidence of any criminal activity or crime." Reports indicate that his last letter was found at the scene. The police announcement has sparked speculation that Jae Rim committed suicide.

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