Korean drama "Love Scout" aired its latest episode on January 10, 2025. The third episode of the drama, which also stars Han Ji Min , managed to garner double-digit ratings. According to Nielsen Korea, the third episode of "Love Scout" managed to garner a rating of 10.5 percent.
The figure put the drama in first place in its time slot across all channels. "Love Scout"' ratings more than doubled from its premiere. It also became the most-watched show in its time slot among the key demographic of viewers ages 20 to 49, where it scored an average rating of 2.8 percent.
As soon as the latest episode of "Love Scout" aired, the audience was distracted by Lee Joon Hyuk's acting as Yu Eun Ho, the very competent secretary of CEO Kang Ji Yun (Ji Min). The man is not only good at everything he does, but is also very popular.
In the third episode of "Love Scout", Eun Ho managed to open the heart of Ji Yun who was previously cold to him. Interestingly, the character not only opened the hearts of the main characters of the audience, but also the hearts of the audience.
Between Eun Ho's character and Joon Hyuk's original charm exploded, making the audience of "Love Scout" love it so much. Eun Ho, who cares for the people around him with a gentle tone and looks at Ji Yun with care and concern, is also infused with Joon Hyuk's warm charm, creating character synchronization.
At the same time, Joon Hyuk's acting causes an excessive deepening of the romance. The actor previously said that among the characters he has played so far, Eun Ho's character is the most similar to himself. By naturally capturing Eun Ho's everyday appearance without dramatizing it, the character fits Joon Hyuk perfectly.
The charms of the actor and his character are in perfect harmony, increasing the audience's affection for Eun Ho. " Lee Joon Hyuk fits his role perfectly. Please, let's film more romance dramas now [sic!]," wrote one netizen. " How can someone as handsome as Lee Joon Hyuk only appear in romance dramas now? Seriously, he's too good [sic!]," added another.
" Already reached 10...? But Lee Joon Hyuk is really crazy, he should keep choosing such scripts with his voice and expressions. Of course, he should try sageuk dramas too [sic!]," said another netizen. " Seriously, Lee Joon Hyuk is so handsome [sic!]," added another. Meanwhile, "Love Scout" will air its latest episode on January 11, 2025.
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