Korean drama "Love Scout" aired its latest episode on January 11, 2025. In the fourth episode of the SBS drama, the audience was excited to see Kang Ji Yun (Han Ji Min) and Yu Eun Ho (Lee Joon Hyuk) leaning their heads together to kiss. 

The latest episode of "Love Scout" showed a drastic development in the relationship between CEO Ji Yun and his secretary Eun Ho. Most importantly, the ending where the two almost touched each other's lips caused the audience's reaction to explode with excitement and heart-pounding reactions.

The latest episode of "Love Scout" also managed to break the broadcast record by raking in 11.3 percent nationally and 11.3 percent in metropolitan areas. The drama's rating even reached its highest point of 14 percent.

"Love Scout" also maintained its top spot among Friday-Saturday dramas and continued its perfect upward trend. In particular, its 2049 target viewership rating increased to 4.1 percent, ranking first among all programs aired during the week.

In the fourth broadcast of "Love Scout", Ji Yun's story with the rival company Career Way was first revealed. Five years ago, "Love Scout", who worked there, was deeply affected by the paper company project he was working on with Kim Hye Jin (Park Bo Kyung).

However, Ji Yun, who received information that an internal employee was involved in the investment fraud, spoke up to ask for an investigation. However, the CEO at the time, who did not want the matter to become bigger, took responsibility for everything and committed suicide.

The hatred of the Career Way people was directed at Ji Yun, and she was expelled. She then founded a company independently. Meanwhile, Hye Jin became the new CEO of Career Way. Until now, Ji Yun and Hye Jin competed for the top position in the industry.

On the other hand, Eun Ho continues to pay attention to his boss. The man is ready to bring an umbrella for Ji Yun when it rains and makes delicious ramen when they stop by the minimarket. Eun Ho and Ji Yun also had time to play basketball together.

Their romance grew after a dinner party for the staff at the office. Ji Yun was initially reluctant to come. However, the woman surprisingly came and had time to drink alcohol with her staff. In a drunken state, Ji Yun returned to the office.

Worried Eun Ho finally caught up with her and saw Ji Yun already asleep on the sofa. While waiting, Eun Ho sat on the sofa and closed his eyes. Ji Yun suddenly woke up and brought her face closer to Eun Ho. The woman complimented Eun Ho's handsomeness.

Unexpectedly, Eun Ho suddenly opened his eyes after Ji Yun's statement. The two then moved their faces closer to each other to kiss. The romantic tension that reached its peak created a thrilling ending that left the audience.

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