"Squid Game 2" director Hwang Dong Hyuk underwent an interview with local media to discuss his hit drama. One of the things the director discussed was the controversy where Park Sung Hoon carelessly posted a vulgar parody cover of "Squid Game 2".

Director Dong Hyuk revealed that he only knew that there was adult content that intentionally parodied "Squid Game 2". "As far as I understand, such adult films were also produced overseas during 'Squid Game'," the director said.

However, director Dong Hyuk felt uncomfortable with the vulgar content. "It seems like this kind of thing happens every time a work becomes really popular. It makes me uncomfortable because it really ruins the meaning of the original work," he added.

The director continued, "I haven't had a chance to talk to Sung Hoon about this issue. It seems like someone sent it to him, but I haven't heard how he ended up posting it. Honestly, I'm curious as to why he made such a mistake."

Previously on December 30, 2024, Sung Hoon uploaded an adult film cover inspired by "Squid Game" on his Instagram. The cover features several images of naked women, some posing provocatively in a very seductive manner, wearing "Squid Game"-like outfits.

Although Sung Hoon quickly deleted the story, many of his followers had seen it, and it spread online. As it became a topic of conversation online, Park Sung Hoon's agency BH Entertainment released a statement that the actor did not do it on purpose.

"While sorting through incoming direct messages on his Instagram, Park Sung Hoon accidentally pressed the wrong button, which caused the image to be uploaded," the agency said. They also confirmed that Sung Hoon is currently reflecting on his actions.

However, since Instagram does not allow received messages to be shared to someone's Story with the press of a button, the explanation only added to the controversy. The agency then released a second statement containing the chronology of how Sung Hoon could have been careless.

The agency continued, "Park Sung Hoon received the poster from an unknown person and decided that it was problematic, so he saved it on his phone to report it to us. In the process, the poster was accidentally uploaded."

However, fans' disappointment towards Sung Hoon is increasing because they feel that the agency is deliberately looking for excuses. Some parties even asked Sung Hoon to leave his latest project with SNSD's Yoona. 

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