The Pokemon Company released the first trailer for the upcoming Pokémon animated movie franchise. The movie is titled Pocket Monsters the Movie: Coco or Pokémon The Movie: Coco. It was announced during the Japanese television show Oda Suta on January 10.

Based from the 30-second clip the trailer begins with a far shot of a jungle scene.The lush area reveals a  mysterious guy Tarzan-like character that is swinging around in the trees on vines, acting like a Pokémon himself and they have body paint all over them. Of course, Ash and Pikachu are also seen in the trailer.

Although there is no details on when the movie will make its way to the Global release date just yet, but the Pokémon The Movie: Coco, will hit theaters in Japan on July 10.

More  datails to comes , particularly with regards to the wider release of the Pokemon the Movie Coco, we'll be sure to keep you updated.

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