Chinese tech company, Vivo is all set to launch its new T-series handset, called the T1 5G, in India on February 9. The teaser reveals that the upcoming smartphone will be the "fastest device in the segment" with a turbo processor, a turbo cooling system, and a turbo screen. Vivo has also stated that the device will arrive as the "slimmest 5G smartphone under Rs. 20,000."
Vivo India is planning to bring the new T-series of handsets in the country and the upcoming T1 5G will be the first model in the affordable line-up. The company has scheduled its launch date on February 9 — the same day as Redmi Note 11 and Note 11S's launch in India. The smartphone was first announced in China in October last year.
According to Vivo India's Twitter post, the T1 5G will be priced under Rs. 20,000 and will be up for grabs via e-commerce platform website Flipkart. The exact pricing and availability details will be announced by the Chinese tech company at the time of the launch, which will happen on February 9.
The Vivo T1 5G bears a 6.67-inch Full-HD+ (1080x2400 pixels) IPS LCD display with an aspect ratio of 20:9 and a refresh rate of 120Hz. In China, the smartphone comes with a punch-hole cut-out, a narrow bottom bezel, and a side-mounted fingerprint sensor. On the rear, it has a rectangular camera module. Dimensions-wise, it tips the scales at 193g and measures around 8.5mm in thickness.
As far as the cameras are concerned, the Vivo T1 5G is equipped with a triple camera arrangement on the rear, comprising a 64MP (f/1.8) primary sensor, an 8MP (f/2.2) ultra-wide lens, and a 2MP (f/2.4) macro snapper. On the front, it has a 16MP (f/2.5) shooter for selfies and video calling. The smartphone houses a 5,000mAh battery with 44W fast-charging support.
Under the hood, the Vivo T1 5Gdraws power from a Snapdragon 778G chipset, coupled with up to 12GB of RAM and up to 256GB of internal storage. It runs on Android 11-based Funtouch OS 12 out of the box. For connectivity, the smartphone offers support for Bluetooth 5.2, dual-band Wi-Fi, 5G, GPS, a headphone jack, and a Type-C port.
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