Dell has unveiled its latest gaming laptops, called the G15 and G15 SE, in Indian market. The laptops start at Rs. 89,990 and Rs. 1,18,990, respectively, and will soon be available for purchase via, Dell Exclusive Stores, as well as multi-brand outlets. As for the key highlights, the devices run on the 12th-generation Intel processors with NVIDIA GeForce RTX GPUs.
The brand's latest line-up features an Alienware-inspired thermal design for optimal cooling, Dolby Audio, and the "Alienware Command Center," which allows users to customize hardware performance and system settings. Dell is bringing a range of new laptops with the aim to expand its portfolio of gaming laptops in India and take on rivals such as HP, ASUS and Lenovo.
The Dell G15 and G15 SE sport a 15.6-inch Full-HD (1080x1920 pixels) LCD screen. The former gets up to 165Hz refresh rate and 300-nits of peak brightness, while the latter has a 240Hz refresh rate and 400-nits of peak brightness. The laptops feature a rectangular screen with a noticeable bottom bezel, a 4-zone RGB backlit keyboard, a large trackpad, and an HD webcam.
Under the hood, The Dell G15 and G15 SE come in Intel Core i5 and i7 processor variants with up to 8GB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti GPU. The laptops have 16GB of RAM and up to 1TB of SSD storage. As for the battery, the Dell G15 and G15 SE are equipped with up to 86Wh battery.
The I/O ports on the laptops include three USB 3.1 Gen 1, one Type-C, one Thunderbolt 4, one Ethernet, one HDMI, and one display port. They also provide a 3.5mm audio jack, stereo speakers, and dual-array microphones. Wireless connectivity options on the laptops include Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.2.
For pricing and availability, the Dell G15 comes in Dark Shadow Gray color and starts at Rs. 89,990, whereas the G15 SE is offered in Obsidian Black trim starting at Rs. 1,18,990. They will soon be available for purchase via Dell Exclusive Stores (DES),, as well as multi-brand outlets.
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