South Korean actor, Kim Seon Ho has returned to being active on Instagram after seven months of being absent from social media. His first post immediately touched his fans through a message of apology for his fans. He uploaded the message on May 7, the day before his birthday. He thanked her for sending him a happy birthday.
" I'm sorry that I've put you through hard times because of my shortcomings...thank you for celebrating my birthday this year too and sending me more birthday wishes than I deserve. I will remember the precious feelings that you have revealed to me, and I will be an actor who can repay your support and encouragement ," he wrote.
Kim Seon Ho, who is celebrating his 36th birthday after wrapping up filming for his upcoming film Sad Tropics in Thailand. He has returned to South Korea after being seen at Incheon International Airport on Monday April 18, 2002 morning. His return was immediately in the spotlight.
Because Kim Seon Ho only appeared in front of reporters after six months of being missing. A number of brands that worked with Kim Seon Ho also removed their ads. The 35-year-old actor also chose to leave his position as a member of the television show 2 Days & 1 Night.
Furthermore, Kim Seon Ho was kicked out of the two films he will star in Dog Days and 2 O'Clock Date. But not long after, Dispatch revealed the contents of the chat chat that proved Kim Seon Ho's innocence. The ads that had been removed were displayed again. The production team for the film Sad Tropics also retains Kim Seon Ho as the main character.
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