On Wednesday, September 21, 2022, the Weibo account of the Chinese drama Hidden Love  released several new posters and still cuts while officially announcing Zhao Lusi and Chen Zheyuan as the main characters. Both of them also uploaded posters and still cuts through their respective personal Weibo accounts.

Following this, the topic of Hidden Love along with the names of the two main characters, namely Zhao Lusi and Chen Zheyuan, immediately entered Weibo's hot search list. However, in the midst of heated discussions filled with fans' enthusiasm waiting for Hidden Love to be released, there were some controversies that accompanied it, as reported by NetEase . 

Hidden Love is adapted from the novel Tou Tou Cang Bu Zhu by Zhu Yi. This novel itself is very popular in China. Therefore, novel fans have very high expectations when they hear that the novel will be adapted into a drama. Even so, some netizens actually claimed to be boycotting Hidden Love. Over the years, many popular novels have been adapted into films and dramas. 

However, the end result often doesn't live up to the expectations of fans of the original novel. This became one of the factors that triggered the desire of some netizens to boycott Hidden Love. In addition, during the shooting of Hidden Love , there were several conflicts with students due to the "drone incident". 

It was reported that the drama crew damaged the drone belonging to one of the students due to a misunderstanding. The crew thought that the drone belonged to the paparazzi who usually leak the drama filming process. Apparently, the drone belonged to a student who happened to be filming in a building not far from the Hidden Love shooting location .

Although the crew has released an apology, some netizens claim that they are still not happy with the behavior of the Hidden Love crew which is considered reckless. The last thing that made some netizens want to boycott Hidden Love was because Zhao Lusi was deemed unsuitable for playing the character Sang Zhi. 

Zhao Lusi and Sang Zhi had different images. Therefore, netizens are afraid that the Chinese actress will fail to play her role. However, not everyone wants to boycott Hidden Love . Of course, there are still many who give full support and look forward to the broadcast of this drama. They prefer to wait for Hidden Love to air before commenting further.

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