One Dollar Lawyer is a South Korean legal drama series directed by Kim Jae-hyun, starring Namkoong Min , Kim Ji-eun, Choi Dae-hoon, Lee Deok-hwa, Park Jin-woo and Lee Chung- ah with the other cast members. Namkoong Min was last seen in The Veil in 2021, while Kim Ji-eun was last seen in Again My Life. The series takes up the Friday-Saturday 10 p.m. KST SBS time slot, previously occupied by Today's Webtoon.  One Dollar Lawyer episode 1 has a runtime of 69 minutes. 

One Dollar Lawyer episode 1 begins with Cheon Ji-hoon flying on the road to the bridge where it seems that a man is threatening to jump off the bridge. As the first responders and the audience try to dissuade him from doing so, Ji-hun calmly walks over to the bridge to talk to him. Apparently, the man hired Ji-hun because he was threatened by debt collectors, and in the present, the two of them engage in a conversation about the man's problems and why he wants to kill himself. 

But first, he took a 1000 won fee from him, which took the man by surprise. Meanwhile, prosecutor Baek Ma-ri is trying to tackle a sexual harassment case, and the man openly flirts with the prosecutor. Na Ye-jin relieves him of his duties, and he leaves to do something else. On the other hand, Ji-hun and Sa Mu-jang go to get paid. Unfortunately for them, there was no one in the office, and while they were waiting, they ordered food. 

Coincidentally, Ma-ri also gets there just in time to find the two happily eating and comes face to face with Ji-hun, making him the owner of the place. He then feels embarrassed when he finds out the truth, but Ji-hun won't let ruined food go to waste. They had a fight, but not long after, the man also got there. Thanks to Ji-hun's quick wits and Ma-ri adding misinformation about the warrant, he's forced to leave and eventually, the lawyer is able to get the bridge man off the ledge of the debt he owes the debt collector. 

Elsewhere, a man unfairly accuses another of trying to pick him up after he bumps into him in a drunken haze. The next morning, Mu-jang runs away from their landlord after not paying their rent and takes a suitcase from a desperate-looking woman. This is the case of Lee Myeong-ho, the man charged with theft. He's been indicted 4 times for pickpocketing, which makes Ji-hun somewhat unhappy about taking the case. However, when she learns that Myeong-ho has a 6-year-old child with a heart condition, she goes to see him. 

From there they met his wife as well, who believed that he didn't. After some convincing, he didn't take the case. Meanwhile, Myeong-ho feels heartbroken at his turn in life and writes an apology letter seeking leniency. Unfortunately for him, he won't get it, thanks to his repeated transgressions. Later, Ji-hun meets Myeong-ho to find out his side of the story. Moved by his words, Ji-hun and Mu-jang start gathering evidence at Seoul Station and are finally able to find the person who accused Myeong-ho. 

He took his pocket out in broad daylight, but when he was taken to the police station, they let him go easily because of who he was. Now driven to prove his client's innocence, he goes to Ma-ri's office to change Myeong-ho's plea and request a jury trial. When the two meet face-to-face once again, Ma-ri is clearly annoyed and angry at the eccentric lawyer. However, there's not much he can do about it, especially when Ji-hun rips Myeong-ho's apology letter in front of him.

That night, as Ma-ri tries to understand why Ji-hun is trying to complicate a simple case, she finds him sitting outside their office, checking documents. In turn, he also ends up working overtime to learn all there is to learn about the case, as well as jury selection. After much study and research, it's trial day, and Ji-hun hilariously tests everyone's patience with the question he finally poses to the jury. Ma-ri, in particular, is really annoyed with him but can't do much about it.

When the trial finally begins, the prosecution brings in witnesses to testify, and Ji-hun's special video collection proves that he's more drunk than he'd let him be, raising doubts in the courtroom that he might not remember everything correctly. However, Ma-ri doesn't miss out on her own homework, and sadly, it brings the jury to see her point of view. As a last resort, Ji-hun brings a piece of evidence as his trump card, and when he takes it to check it out, Ji-hun opens the box to show Ma-ri something so shocking that he can't help but be left completely speechless.

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