The latest series titled Past Senger The Series which will be played by Cooper Patpasit and Marc Pahun as the main characters. This series tells of Gyo (Cooper), a teenager in the 90s, who is a handsome man who has a bully nature and likes to mess with other people. 

Has a dream of studying the field of architecture. But something unexpected happened and Gyo found himself twenty-five years into the future. Bamee (Marc), a man from the future, is introverted and doesn't really get close to anyone. 

His father passed away and he worked hard to enter the architecture faculty, and his father was his inspiration. Look forward to the story of Gyo and Bamee in the latest series Past Senger The Series, this series is rumored to be broadcast in March via the Aisplay channel. 

Nineties teenage Gyo is a handsome and bully guy who likes to mess with other people. His dream was to study architecture, but something unexpected happened and Gyo finds himself twenty-five years into the future.

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