On Thursday March 9, 2023, TREASURE just uploaded a vlog celebrating the high school graduation of one of their members, Jeongwoo. Jeongwoo, who was previously a School of Performing Arts (SOPA) student, was declared a graduate at the graduation ceremony held in February 2023. All TREASURE members are also known to have attended to provide support for Jeongwoo on the graduation day. 

After the graduation ceremony at school was over, the ten TREASURE members including Jeongwoo then returned to the YG Entertainment office. Arriving at the place, the company had apparently been decorated in such a way as to celebrate Jeongwoo's graduation. Unmitigated, the red carpet was also held at the entrance to the building. 

The large LED screen that usually plays MV or promotional content for YG Entertainment artists is also temporarily devoted to displaying congratulations for Jeongwoo. Entering one of the rooms on the top floor, one by one the TREASURE members started conveying their respective messages aimed at Jeongwoo. After that, Jeongwoo opened the gift  which on the outside contained the members' handwritten letters. 

But apparently, not only Jeongwoo who received a gift on his graduation day. Haruto , who is the same age as Jeongwoo, also received a sweet surprise from the TREASURE members. Jaehyuk who was in charge of picking up the gifts said, "It's Jeongwoo's graduation day, but Ruto, who is also the same age as Jeongwoo, has matured. 

It will be disappointing if we don't do this." Haruto, who didn't expect that he would also get a surprise, looked so surprised when he saw Jaehyuk come in and bring him a present. The video then flashes back to the moment Haruto came to Jeongwoo's graduation ceremony earlier.  "So, this is what a graduation ceremony feels like. This is my first experience coming to a graduation ceremony. 

I have mixed feelings. I envy you," said Haruto. Because of this, the members prepared separate gifts for Haruto. In addition, the members also gave him a graduation certificate. Haruto looked so happy with a smile that kept growing on his face. The graduation celebration that day was closed with a meal by the ten  TREASURE members.

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