Sad news is enveloping the South Korean entertainment industry after the news of ASTRO's Moonbin's death came out to the public. Based on reports from Soompi, Moonbin was found dead by his manager on Wednesday April 19, 2023 at around 20.10 Korean time at his private residence.

Although the investigation process is still ongoing, the local police suspect that this is a case of suicide. Before Moonbin, the suicide cases of artists in South Korea were indeed quite high, causing great concern and being in the world's spotlight. Then, what exactly makes the celebrity suicide cases in South Korea so high? Here are five things that might be the main trigger.

1. Pressure in the entertainment industry  

It's common knowledge that Korean artists often experience high pressure due to tough competition in the entertainment industry. Not only is the competition with fellow artists quite massive, the impact of popularity also makes them often chased by busy schedules and have to put out their best all the time.

In the end, this can lead to a feeling of being overly tired, leading to stress and depression because the energy seems to be being squeezed out by the industry that has made their name known. If not handled properly, mental health problems then start to undermine their lives.

2. Cyber ​​bullying and haters 

Korean artists are vulnerable to becoming targets of cyberbullying and haters on social media. They even often receive negative comments and threats from diehard fans or even from people who don't like Korean artists in general. This will then affect their mental health conditions and make them feel isolated and unappreciated. In fact, the struggle to enter the industry itself is not an easy thing.

3. High norms and expectations 

In South Korea, there are high norms and expectations for artists. They must always show politeness and manners, look attractive, and have skills in various fields such as singing, dancing, and acting. 
Even outside of work, they must maintain a good image and avoid actions that could damage their image and career. These kinds of demands can put too much pressure on them and make it difficult for them to live like ordinary people.

4. Stigma towards mental health issues

Mental health issues are still considered a taboo subject in several Asian countries, including South Korea. It's no wonder that there are so many people who don't understand that mental health is a serious matter and requires proper treatment. 

Unfortunately, this condition actually makes someone, especially artists in the Korean entertainment industry who are super busy with depression or other mental disorders, feel embarrassed and reluctant to seek help.

5. Disturbance of privacy and security

Korean artists are often chased by paparazzi and diehard fans who force them to stay in front of the public. This can cause the artist to feel constantly watched and have no privacy. The inability to maintain privacy and security can make them feel isolated and lonely to the point of despair. This potential eventually became one of the triggers for an increase in suicide decisions among artists.

Those were the five things that make artist suicide cases in South Korea still very high. However, apart from this phenomenon in South Korea, suicide cases are actually an important issue that must be handled and prevented very seriously. Be it an artist or not, everyone deserves a helping hand and is free from mental health problems.

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