The film 'Collide' returns to accompany Trans TV Cinema viewers. This 2016 film will be shown on Wednesday July 26, 2023, at 21.00 WIB to be exact. Collide is one of the works of director Eran Creevy. Previously, he had directed 'Welcome to the Punch' (2013), 'Shifty' (2008) and 'Layer Cake' (2004).

A series of well-known stars appeared in the film 'Collide'. They include Nicholas Hoult and Felicity Jones. Do not miss the senior actor and Oscar winner, Anthony Hopkins. Also featured is Ben Kingsley who has also won an Oscar. 'Collide' follows the actions of Casey, a young man from the US who lives in Germany and undergoes a dangerous job. 

Casey and his apartment mate and friend, Matthias, are working as drug dealers. His meeting with a woman made Casey change his mind and change the course of his life from the profession he was living. Casey meets a woman named Juliette at a bar where he usually spends time. From the first, Juliette's presence caught Casey's attention. 

It didn't take long for them to get to know each other. Both fall in love with each other. But Juliette has one condition, she doesn't want to be close to Casey if Casey is still carrying out his old profession as a dealer and illegal drugs. Casey finally decided to leave his job. He lives with Juliette and everything is beautiful until Juliette falls ill. 

It took a lot of money for Juliette's treatment. And that made Casey inevitably return to his old job. In the new round of work he is doing, Casey must carry out a theft mission from a group of high-profile drug dealers. If the mission goes smoothly, there is a big payment promised to be received. Watch 'Collide' in Trans TV Cinema on Wednesday July 26, 2023, at 21.00 WIB.

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