The animated film IF directed by John Krasinski has officially appeared in cinemas and has received mixed reviews on the review site Rotten Tomatoes. Some viewers liked this creative and fantasy story, but film critics did not respond with the same enthusiasm. As a result, the ratings from critics and audiences on Rotten Tomatoes scored a huge difference in scores of 38%. 

Quoting from the official website on Monday May 20, 2024, the critic's score for the film IF was 49% based on 141 reviews. Meanwhile, viewers gave it a much higher score of 87% with more than 500 reviews. Critics admit that IF's story ideas are creative and adorable. However, they also criticized that the storyline was confusing and not well structured.

It is said that the plot often changes mood from cheerful to gloomy and gloomy, which makes it feel inconsistent. The combination of comedy and emotional moments in this film is also considered not presented in a balanced way. Nevertheless, the audience responded positively to the IF film, which presented children's stories beautifully and with warmth. 

Some of them were even moved to tears. They initially thought that IF was just an ordinary animated film, but it turned out that there were nuances of maturity and emotion implied in several parts of the story. Since the film has just been released, these scores may still change as reviews increase. 

However, it can be said that critics and audiences have very different views on this film. Director John Krasinski previously produced works such as The Hollars and the A Quiet Place franchise. Now, he is trying his luck in the children's animation genre through the film IF .

This film tells the story of a young girl named Bea (Cailey Fleming) who has a unique ability where she can see imaginary friends or what is called IF ( Imaginary Friends) from everyone. The girl then met her neighbor, Cal (Ryan Reynolds), who apparently also had the same abilities. Bea and Cal also work together to reunite their imaginary friends with their old friends who have grown up.

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